- : hr@eloniot.com
- :(+91) 9948303060
- When the company registers, eloniot team will contact the company and do
- Once the company is registered and has good developers then only the project will
be given to the company
- All the company must check the "providers from" in the latest project then only
they should purchase the client
- Its mandatory that the company should contact the client within 1 day max
- When the freelancer registers, eloniot team will contact the freelancer and
do verification.
- Freelancer should must update the skills.
- All the freelancer must check the "providers from" in the latest project then only
they should purchase the client
- Its mandatory that the freelancer should contact the client within 1 day max
- Once the client has been registered the verification team will call to the client
and do the verification
- Then the client can post his requirement
- Once the project is posted by the client again the verification team will conform
the project
- Once it is conformed then the project will be displayed on the latest projects